Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Life is Better Without Facebook

That's right, you read that correctly. Life is better without facebook and I'll tell you why. Social media has made our society dumber and more narcissistic. People that use facebook religiously inevitably become obsessed with it. They get addicted to the false attention they receive.

Every time someone "likes" their comment or wall post they get a little ego boost that validates their need for love and approval. This is okay if the person is level headed but all too facebook creates post-crazy people that think everyone wants to know every little detail of their life that they spew up onto their wall like a spit wad.

Facebook is intriguing to many people because it's social commentary between people you care about in real time. However, people overdo it like so many other things and it becomes an ego fest with the type-a personalities dominating the post feeds.

People that are use facebook regularily could benefit from unplugging themselves from the website regularily. Try going 1 week without it, then 2, then a month. You'd be surprised how much time you wasted on facebook and you can put that time into more productive things ie. seeing and talking to people in real life and not on the internet.


  1. you share the same thoughts as me my friend. I am 19 and absolutely hate it, closing the account was the best thing I ever did. Had about 500 people on there and thought 'why am I wasting my time here' and now I enjoy life much more. I am actually LIVING and seeing my friends on a daily basis. Many have also quite. You feel liberated when you do. I am quite glad to be away from all the facebook junkies, and now I steer clear of anyone even mentiong the word facebook in conversation. The world would be a better place without it.

  2. I agree. The world would be a better place with real people and real life. When you are on facebook, you are imprisoned to stress and anti social behavior.

  3. yup, 3 more days left but now I have another addiction- blogs. Anyways i'm better without FB although I only have 3 days left before deletion is complete. At the same token though, I haven't smoked a cigarette in about 2 mos.
    Facebook generally ended up being a compulsive waste of time knowing away at my psyche as I tried to get some kind of work done on the computer without distractions, but to no avail.
    God, give me the strength to resist temptation of creating a new profile, Amen
